Friday 23 September 2011

How to redirect in web.config

Let's say you want to redirect visitors from one subdomain to another. You can do this by putting this in your web.config for the redirected-from application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <httpRedirect enabled="true" destination="" httpResponseStatus="Permanent" />

This is ideal for obsolete website addresses that may still be saved in favorites, or linked to on a corporate intranet, or for redirecting common mistakes, such as users entering when what they really want is

Monday 29 August 2011

Flash CS3 Vista install problems

If you are having trouble with a silently failing install of Adobe Flash CS3 on Windows Vista, I may have the solution:

Start -> All Programs -> Accessories
Right-Click -> Run as Administrator.
Enter the command:

regsvr32 jscript.dll

hit enter.

Once the jscript dll is registered, the Adobe installed should now be a ble to run and install Flash CS3 on your computer.

Monday 18 July 2011

Google Chrome standalone installer

Admins often need to install and upgrade via group policy or install packages on machines that are not connected to the internet. For Google's Chrome browser this can be accomplished by downloading the Chrome Standalone Installer.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

List all databases with sqlcmd

sqlcmd -s <db server or instance> -q "exec sp_databases"

 sqlcmd -s localhost -q "exec sp_databases"
 sqlcmd -s dbserver -u loginname -p password -q "exec sp_databases"
 sqlcmd -s ./MSSQLSERVER -u loginname -p password -q "exec sp_databases"

Deleting a database with sqlcmd

sqlcmd -s <servername> -q "DROP DATABASE <database name>"
sqlcmd -s ./<sqlserver instance name> -q "DROP DATABASE <database name>"

sqlcmd -s dbserver -u username -p password -q "DROP DATABASE products"
sqlcmd -s localhost -q "DROP DATABASE products" 
sqlcmd -s ./MSSQLSERVER -q "DROP DATABASE products"