Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Disable the Welcome screen in Windows

The welcome screen is something I find annoying - I don't really like the look of it. A good enough reason to disable it then! To turn it off, so that you can log on and log off using the classic login prompt:

  1. Open the Registry editor (Start->Run->Regedit) and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\WinLogon 
  2. Change the value for LogonType, from a "1" to a "0". you can guess that 0 gives Classic Mode and a 1 shows the Welcome Screen.  If there is no LogonType key, add it manually as a String-type key.
  3. Exit the registry editor when you are finished.
  4. Restart and you should be done.
Note that you must be an administrator on the computer / domain to make these registry changes.

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